Podcasting for Women’s Day

To celebrate Women’s Day, the Year 7 ReFILL class worked together to create a podcast. We interviewed each student about an inspirational woman in their life.

For the first period, students did some fun vocal exercises to warm up and get their minds thinking about storytelling. Then we moved on to thinking about an inspirational woman in our lives, and students took turns to use the sound recording equipment to record each other. 

Happy International Women’s Day!

Music Video Workshop

For week 3 of ReFILL, MTHS Year 7 students created a music video for the song “In This State”, by Australian rock band, Hockey Dad. At the beginning of the lesson, Dave explained the different camera shots used in film and the significance it has when used. We then explored the process of filming a music video in one-take. 

The class went outside to discuss what they wanted to do for the music video and used various props to create characters. The class had a blast coming up with the concept and shooting the music video. 

Great work this week Year 7!

MTHS Year 7 PBL Showcase

On Friday the 25th of February, the entire MTHS Year 7 gathered together in the school hall to showcase their PBL projects from the past few weeks. 

Our ReFILL work from the past two weeks was also displayed and everyone who stopped by from teachers to students, were impressed by the Year 7 ReFILL group’s artworks and creativity.

Congratulations to our ReFILL group and the rest of the Year 7 students for their amazing work! 

Kindness Creatures

For week two of the ReFILL workshops, Year 7 collaborated together to create ‘Kindness Creatures’ to have on display during their PBL showcase day. 

During the first half of the workshop, students worked in pairs to draw a unique creature and used modelling clay to bring them to life. Students came up with a name for their creature and wrote down some friendly personality traits for them. 

Each student took turns to photograph their awesome characters, using coloured paper as a backdrop. 

Stay tuned to see the ‘Kindness Creatures’ in future activities!